Perlcon Premix Pvt. Ltd. We are the manufacturer of light weight plasters, tiles adhesives, light weight block mortars and etc Perlcon Sand free Plaster is a unique cement-based formulation developed specifically to overcome sand related problems like availability, quality, labour and time.
Sand free Plaster is a better alternative to gypsum plaster as it is damp proof, cement-based and gives a crack-free plaster surface, with the quicker application
Perlcon Sand free Plaster is a unique cement-based formulation developed specifically to overcome sand related problems like availability, quality, labour and time. Sand free Plaster ensures consistent quality, fewer operation cycles, and quick construction. It saves time and manpower. Self-curing Sand free Plaster also resolves the problem of water for curing.
Ever increasing demand for construction and has caused rapid depletion of riverbeds and raised many environmental concerns. Aggressive and controlled sand mining has resulted in erratic supply and therefore greater fluctuation in prices as well as inconsistency in quality.

Conventional materials and methods of plastering are highly time-consuming and involve more operations like procuring and sieving, which in turn lead to spillage and wastage.
Sand free Plaster is a premixed material supplied in bags. Apply Sand free Plaster on walls, ceilings, RCC work by just mixing with water.
Sand free Plaster is a better alternative to gypsum plaster as it is damp proof, cement based and gives a crack-free plaster surface, with quicker application.

Technical Specification
Dry density: 1600 kg/cum (+/- 5 %)
Initial setting time: 90 – 120 mins
Final setting time: 200 – 260 mins
Pot life: 3 hrs
Coating thickness: 10 – 18 mm
Coverage: 170 kg/100 sq. ft. (10 mm thick plaster)
Shelf life: 6 months
Constructing a 12-floor building with this material would save 1,100 metric tonnes of sand, 6,000 kilolitres of water, 7,500 kilowatt of electricity and 15,000 kilowatt by way of energy conservation due to insulation in plasters, besides huge savings in time and labour costs, said Shreyas Sheth, Chairman. Besides, sand-free material reduces the dead load on building structures, is anti-fungus, and its self-curing property minimizes ill-effects of hard water used in construction.
These materials have already been used in some buildings in Ahmadabad. The company’s products include sand-free masonry mortars, plasters, putties, tile-fixing mortars and filters and special plasters. The per-mix mortar formulations are also self-curing, meaning one would not have to use water to strengthen the structure, thus speed up construction and completion process.

Tags: Light Weight Plaster, Sand Free Plaster, Crack Free Plaster Surface, Self Curing, Perlcon Sand Free Plaster.