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How Econaur is contributing to making Sustainable Buildings

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What we do and how we do it? How Econaur the only green building platform works ?

If you still don’t know what exactly we do, well don’t worry here you will understand what we are doing here and how we do it.

What we do?

Econaur is India’s first online aggregator platform that provides one-stop solutions for green and energy-efficient buildings by providing the materials, products, technology, and expert guidance. Econaur is the only green buildings platform.

It has made an easy online green building platform for everyone who needs to know about sustainable and green construction and also can contribute their ideas, projects, and vision about what further can be done in sustainable construction.

Sustainable Product Companies now have an easy online platform where they can not only showcase their products but also find out that about the new sustainable technology & projects undergoing in the market by connecting with community of green building professionals can find out what the user needs for a sustainable construction.

Our vision is simple, we know that tons of resources are getting wasted in construction everyday and if we go wasting the resources at the same speed than sooner we are going to extinct our resources and become endangered. So our efforts are towards raising the awareness about sustainability and green construction, which is an alternative solution for using resources in the most efficient manner.

Our intention of having a community of stakeholders, architects, consultants, and manufacturing companies is this only, so under a single Econaur’s green buildings platform anybody can communicate with anyone and know what more can be achieved in sustainable construction. We believe in working together, and no better way can be there to connect every member from the building industry at a single platform.

How we do it?

The major thing we keep in mind before showcasing any information or product on our platform is that, the product doesn’t have any harmful impact on the environment. As long as the product is sustainable and minimize the harmful effects on the environment, we are always whole-heartedly open to showcase the product.

Even if you want to share any information or post anything related to green building, new sustainable products or about environment then also we give you a community article section where you can share anything related. Not only you can share but come to know about more sustainable innovations going on all around the world.

We personally too share regular content in our blog section about new technologies, construction products and news about the green building.

Perhaps you ask, ‘How can I afford green building materials?’Although you may be on a tight budget, there are creative ways to build a green home or office without compromising quality. We’re aware of the challenges and invite you to take advantage of our expertise in order to get the look and quality you want, at a price you can afford. We’ve done it with our own home and with hundreds of others — and we’re confident we can help you, too.

How do eco-friendly and sustainable products compare in cost to toxic products?

As a rule, natural and non-toxic products (e.g. wood, bamboo, cork, wool carpet, natural linoleum, marble/granite/limestone/porcelain, natural finishes, etc.) tend to be our favorites. They are sometimes more expensive than other products initially, but that’s not the whole story.

Sustainable products tend to:

  • last longer
  • wear better
  • clean easier
  • smell better
  • create a pleasing, healthier environment for residents
  • be biodegradable

Non-sustainable products, on the other hand, tend to:

  • be short-lived
  • require more maintenance
  • exhibit toxic and foul smells for many months, with some out-gassing undetected for years
  • compromise the health of individuals and the environment
  • provide only short-term pleasure
  • sit in landfills almost forever

In the long run, the life-cycle costs of sustainable products are usually less expensive. Plus they bring greater satisfaction during installation and for generations of use.

Many of our clients forced us to find natural products that would compete in price with cheaper, unnatural products. This was a challenge, but we did it.

A new trend

Non-toxic products used to be more expensive to manufacture than their toxic counterparts. This was due, in part, to the newness of the products and the small numbers of people using them. This trend has changed in the last few years; prices have fallen due to the widening market and the improvement of manufacturing techniques.

Demand for environmentally-friendly products is at an all-time high, not only in the building market but in the clothing and food markets as well. As the world wakes up to the lasting value and joy of using healthy building materials, we fully expect this trend to continue for a long time to come.

In addition to understanding the nature of eco-products, we’re also involved on the local level in using these products to help build a sustainable future. We promote healthy building environments in several ways including belonging to trade and environmental associations, sponsoring conferences, earth days and eco-fairs, donating a portion of our earnings to non-profit organizations that create peace and better the environment, and consulting with clients nationwide who personally test and use green building products.

Comments and Suggestions 

If you still have any question or query about anything which is troubling you then you let us know. Also if you have any suggestions about any new sustainable product or new technology then also let us know. We appreciate your feedback.

Econaur listed as Best Sustainability Blog on feedspot.

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