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How the Fungus grow in Home and how to handle that !

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Be it cold, damp winter or a warm, humid summer, activities at home can result in moisture indoors and fungal growth. Fungi can grow on walls, clothes, books, toys, and even CDs. It can turn prized possessions into musty relics that only look fit for the garbage. But that’s not all. It carries with it potential health hazards, affecting the health of your family.

The Fungi grow like bacteria on moist, wet surfaces in cool, shady areas. If that describes your toilet or bathroom, it is susceptible to fungal growth. A few common fungi grow inside toilets, but the most well-known is mold. With a green or black tinge, mold is fairly easy to spot.

Mold has a close cousin that’s also common in our homes, mildew. Mold and mildew have a few matching characteristics:

  • Both are keen on moist, warm areas where they might sprout their homes.
  • Each grows on a multitude of surfaces, from food to shower or even a sheet of paper.
  • And, of course, they are both two types of fungi that no homeowner likes to see in his or her home.

Talking about the differences in the two forms of fungus ( fungi ). Mildew is typically white, grey, or yellow and grows on the surface of moist, warm areas. Its texture is fluffy or powdery. On the other hand, mold tends to be green or black. It usually grows underneath the surface of anything that has gotten wet. Its texture can be fuzzy or slimy. While toxic mold is not common in homes that are regularly maintained, it can be dangerous to a person’s health. Allergies, asthma, irritated eyes, headaches, and even lung issues are the result of toxic mold that is breeding within a home.

fungus on wall at home
Mold on the wall

How to deal with such fungal growth at home?

Let me share with you some interesting hacks with CARE products for preventing the growth of fungus ( fungi ), mold, and mildew if you have trouble at your home. The hack is using CARE Surface (Floor) cleaner. It contains bacteria and enzymes that act on the food source of fungal growth ( fungi growth ). It uses the moisture present for the action of the bacterial culture on the Surface CARE to first retard, and then stop the growth for any type of fungal growth.

For walls:

Spray the infected areas on the wall regularly for 15-20 days with Surface CARE (Floor) cleaners. Scrub the wall patch which is infected with a nylon brush. Then, reduce it to twice a week.

For flush tanks:

The Flush tanks are always filled with water and are always enclosed, so the temperature inside is relatively warmer. We inherently see a fungal growth inside the flush tanks. Put half a cap full of Surface CARE (Floor) cleaner inside the flush tank water in the night before going to bed (after which the flush is not used for the overnight period) on a regular basis or even twice or thrice a week. If done regularly, such fungal growth is retarded or eliminated completely. The flushed water then also will act on the toilet bowl and drain lines when used in the morning.

For toilet bowls:

The submerged areas or continually dripping flush tank cause a yellow, green or black colour fungal growth on the surfaces of the toilet bowl. This is also prominently seen on toilets that are not used for prolonging gaps. Once the fungal growth happens, even after cleaning the bowl once it is rapid to reappear within 24 hours. Now for toilet bowls, Restroom CARE (Toilet) cleaner is effective as it is mildly acidic and cleans the ceramic surface instantaneously. But the hack is as follows.

Usually, the maximum usage of the toilet bowl in a home happens in the morning and evening. If you want to prevent the growth of such fungus in the inner walls, spray Surface CARE (Floor) cleaner on the inside walls of the toilet bowl, after all, members have used the toilet and there is a prolonged gap for the next usage of about 4-6 hours. This could be in the morning or at night. Just spray, and leave it without flushing. You will experience the fungal growth is not persistent thereafter.

So, that’s my hack for dealing with fungal growth at home. What’s yours?


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