Airveda presents India’s first accurate and app-enabled air quality monitor designed and manufactured in India, for the Indian context. The monitor connects to an app on your phone to help you know and manage the quality of the air you are breathing. By simply using the monitor, you will help map real-time air quality data in our cities, and enable effective system making around air pollution Airveda as we believe that air pollution is one of the biggest health hazards facing our country today and that it can only be addressed if citizens like us join hands with the government and work together towards a better tomorrow for our children.
Airveda has been working tirelessly to ensure that their sensors are as accurate as possible, they test their device against a BAM (the same device used by the Government) placed at USIEF.
Product Specification
The Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) is a facility to measure wind speed, direction, other weather parameters, the concentration of air pollutants (such as SO2, NOx, CO, O3, THC etc.), and particulate matters continuously all year round. Mobile AQMS can also be customized to monitor multiple sites via one system.

Photochemical and optical sensor systems
- These are portable monitoring tools that can continuously monitor a range of pollutants. The sensors are of low sensitivity and mostly suitable for identifying hotspots at roadsides and near point sources.
- Data can be downloaded to your computer and analyzed.
Measures PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOC, Temperature & Humidity.
The type of home-focused indoor air-monitoring devices we evaluated for this guide offer less information by comparison, as they typically measure only the local airborne particle levels and sometimes volatile organic compounds—gases like the vapours from paint, cleaners, and glue. They rarely measure carbon monoxide and radon, two potentially deadly gases.
The monitor uses high quality laser sensor to measure PM2.5 & PM10, calibrated against BAM (Beta Attenuation Monitor – used by govt.). An independent study showed correlation greater than 90% with BAM. CO2 sensor is high accuracy dual wavelength NDIR CO2 sensor, which self calibrates and allows manual calibration. Temp and humidity are calibrated by a master source traceable to NABL. TVOC uses commercial grade MEMS metal oxide semiconductor sensor and also self-calibrates.
- Particulate Pollutants: Particulate Matters PM1, PM2.5, and PM10.
- Gaseous Pollutants: VOCs, Formaldehyde, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Radon, and others.
Get PM and AQI measurements every second. Choose between US AQI & Indian AQI. View real-time readings from your monitor on the app irrespective of monitor location.
The small size and long battery life of 4-6 hours make This monitors extremely portable. Can be charged using any USB power outlet in your car, laptop or power bank. The monitor measures your air quality every second so you can understand the air quality where you are, in real-time.
The meter is very accurate and sensitive. It has a beautiful colour display and is portable with a built-in battery. The battery lasts for only a few hours and needs recharging. At this price point, you are unlikely to get a CO2 monitor in any other pollution meter, which is a big deal.
Touch Display
The monitor has a 3.2” touch display. Each parameter is colour-coded with traffic light colours (green, yellow, red) based on alert limits configurable by you in the app. This enables you to quickly see if any parameter has surpassed desired limits. You can also touch to select the parameter you wish to display in a bold and big font so that it is visible easily from afar.
Working Principle
- PM sensor uses laser scattering principle: Light scattering can be induced when particles go through the detecting area. The scattered light is transformed into electrical signals and these signals will be amplified and processed.
- The number and diameter of particles can be obtained by analysis because the signal waveform has certain relations with the diameter of the particles.
- The CO2 sensor is dual-wavelength NDIR based (Nondispersive infrared sensor).
- TVOC is MOS Mems based sensor.
- The temperature sensor is CMOS, Humidity is Capacitive.
Pros & Cons
Pros Cons
- Can monitor all types of Particulate Matters (PM) Sometimes need to re-calibrate manually to get accurate results
- Compact and super portable Not compatible with Google Assistant or Alexa
- Generates AQI in real-time
- Built-in rechargeable battery
- Useful mobile app
- USB-C port for fast charging
Technical Specifications
- Measurement
- Measurement parameters: PM2.5, PM10, CO2, Temp, Humidity, TVOC
- PM
- Range of PM2.5: 0-999 μg/m3
- Range of PM10: 0-1999 μg/m3
- Minimum resolution of < 0.3 μm
- Relative error Maximum of ±10% and ±10μg/m3
- Response time: Less than 10 seconds when scene changes
- CO2
- Range: 0 to 5000ppm
- Accuracy: 50ppm +-3%
- Response time: 2 minutes
- Self calibrating. Can be manually calibrated by taking device outdoors and long pressing Setup Button.
- Temperature
- Range: 10 to 60 degrees C
- Accuracy: 1 deg C
- Resolution: 0.1 deg C
- Humidity
- Range: 0 to 90% RH
- Accuracy: 3%
- Resolution: 1%
- Range: 125-600ppb
- Res: 1ppb
- Accuracy: 15%
- Initialisation time: 15 minutes. Self calibrating.
- Size: 11.6cm*11.6cm*6cm
- Power voltage: 5V
- Can be charged via laptop/car USB
- Weight: 370 gms
- 2900mAh re-chargeable battery

Warranty & Support
- 1 Year warranty against any manufacturing defects.
- Client responsible for getting device to our facilities for all servicing. Service time 1 week.
- Warranty is void if device is opened, tampered with or electronics damaged due to mechanical shock.
- Sensor change and calibration is not included in warranty.
Configure This monitor system with up to 5 Wi-Fi networks including your home, office or personal hotspot Wi-Fi. The monitor will automatically connect when the network becomes available. Choose between US AQI & Indian AQI. Understand air quality data trends with hourly, daily & monthly historical data. Plan activities to limit your exposure to pollution. Customize two air quality limits for your monitor via the app. Get real-time alerts when these limits are exceeded, so you take appropriate action such as using masks or turning on air purifiers or the kitchen chimney.
Tested and calibrated against
- PM: Beta Attenuation Monitor (BAM)
- CO2: Can be self calibrated to 400ppm outdoors by taking monitor outdoors and long pressing Setup button on monitor.
- Temp & Humidity calibrated with a master traceable to NABL.
Wifi Connectivity
- Connects to Wi-Fi. Data available in Android and iOS apps along with Indian AQI, day, week, month history as well as outdoor data in different parts of city.
Uniqueness of Airveda Products ?
With Airveda expertise and trustworthiness, they have secured a respectable position for themselves in this domain. Different factors for which we have attained appreciation from clients spread all across the nation are:
- Quality assured product range
- Adept team of professionals
- Ethical business policies
- Client-centric approach
- Large distribution network
- Transparent dealings
- Excellent transport & logistic facility
- Reasonable prices
The unique retro-style design with high precision sensors can be your smart air quality monitor. With so many automation opportunities, minimalistic display, and sync with the mobile app made it was easy to use.
Tags: Monitor, Air Quality Monitoring System, Particulate Matters, Beta Attenuation Monitor.